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Created by Templates Zoo

Chris Hartman Photography

Photoshop Fun

I published a picture from this weekend's photo shoot that was purely an experimental shot. I'm not a big Photoshopper, a part of me doesn't believe the software should even exist. For this shot, I thought I'd practice up and see if I could create something "cool". I am happy with how it turned out.

The model, Annalise posted  it on Facebook, and had a comment that stated "I don't understand how this picture happened but it's beautiful."  

Well I will give away the secret. It wasn't hard at all! This picture consists of 4 pictures combined.

The first. The base shot.

The second - add model

The 3rd and 4th were the girls' idea as they tossed fake flower pedals into the air. As you can see we had a fan going, but it did nothing.

In Photoshop, using layer masks, hide the stuff you don't want to see, The only tinkering I did was change the colour of the pedals to pink/red.

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